我公司研发生产的50吨级小米加工设备由斗式提升、筛选去杂、比重去石、压砣砻谷、重力选糙、喷风碾米、白米分级等 工艺设备组合而成,结构紧凑,功能齐全,从稻谷喂入到成品米装袋均由机械完成,具有产量高、米质好、出米率高、能耗低等优点。
This 50-60TPD millet complete set processing equipment is combined with bucket elevator , sifter ,de-stoner ,huller, gravity separator, whiter ,and grader etc.This plant with the features of compact structure, complete functions, higher capacity , good quality withe rice, higher production rate and lower energy consumption.All the section is automatic from paddy to finished white rice.